Ceduna Still Point Yoga Studio

Yoga - Meditation - Relaxation - Chi Kung

IST - Counselling- Facilitation- Consultation 

Discover and integrate new ways to meet life challenges and access inner qualities.

I have a private practice as a wellbeing professional at Still Point Yoga Studio in Ceduna, where I offer a number of personal development modalities. For more information on modalities click here

I have extensive Yoga experience with 30 years personal practice, 13 years teaching and 20 years as a member of a Meditation School in Sydney. Classes are small or private with a focus on individual attention.

Interests lie in subtle energies and the transformative aspects of Yoga. Emphasis is placed on self-enquiry and the subsequent opening of self-awareness both physical and psychological.

Along with teaching Yoga, and Chi Kung, I am also a general, transpersonal and career counsellor and an IST Practitioner (energetic body therapy).

With teaching and career counselling qualifications and a broad range of experience in both fields I offer guidance in career and training pathway choices and study support for tertiary, VET, and secondary education (face to face, on-line and distant) students/trainees. 

I also consult in and facilitate training, community development and engagement programs.


Personal development techniques are designed to assist people to be in touch with a deeper part of their essence. The quietness beyond the normal mental consciousness is where the source of issues can be exposed and made conscious. Once this level of awareness is reached changes in deeply held patterns unravel and a sense of freedom to move forward emerges. Future directions become clear and decisions are made in a more fluid way. 

Drawing on both eastern and western philosophies, direct experience is emphasized and processes are not reliant on theory or belief.


In my work with clients I combine structured training and experience in community development programs, teaching and many years of involvement in yoga, meditation, Tai Chi/Chi Kung, counselling and self-development work.


Diploma of Yoga Teaching

Registered Senior Teacher-Yoga Australia 

Level I Chi-Kung Leader 1

Graduate Certificate in Career Counselling

Bachelor of Vocation, Education and Training

Associate Diploma in Social Work

Diploma in Vocational Education and Training (TAE50211)

Diploma of Training, Design and Development (TAE50111)

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (TAE40110)      

Certificate IV in Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assessment and Training

      Confidentiality and privacy are valued and guaranteed

   ‘I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul'          Nelson Mandela


'Yoga suits me as it’s a mind – body practice that combines stretching exercises, breathing techniques, balance and relaxation. Low impact yet still strenuous.
I appreciate the personal guidance and Sandy regularly explaining the exercises so I get the most benefit and prevent potential strain. There is no pressure to do positions I’m not comfortable with as Sandy selects exercises that still challenge me but are within my ability. 
Since attending Yoga classes my posture is better and I have made steady progress in increasing my flexibility and upper body strength. I always leave the classes feeling calmer, relaxed and invigorated. 
I have attended sessions in Yoga, Chi Kung, relaxation and meditation. My aim is to do yoga every day not just once a week'. 

      Teresa Pascoe-Student Service Officer. Ceduna SA                                 _______________________

'I have been to Sandy face to face and through Skype. I have undertaken Yoga, meditation, relaxation, career counselling and IST sessions with her.
I know Sandy has great learning and knowledge in a lot of different modalities therefore she has the wisdom to approach things in a beneficial, constructive and helpful manner.
Sandy has the ability to get to the core issues with clarity and understanding.
I felt I received care and kindness while Sandy was helping me to unravel complicated beliefs that were holding me back. I managed to move through with Sandy's guidance to feel a different sense of perspective and I was a lot more open to see and recognize the shifts I had made both physically and emotionally'.

            Angelique Gordon-Pattern Maker-Sydney NSW

'I decided that I needed something like Yoga in my life that could to help me live a more balanced life-mentally, physically and spiritually.  I have had the pleasure to experience group and one on one yoga practices with Sandy.
I have found that one on one sessions have been extremely beneficial and I have accessed the essence and power of yoga poses when preformed correctly under the guidance and safety of Sandy.
She brings a wealth of authentic knowledge, experience, skills, patience, yoga philosophy and spiritual work to every practice  - this is  what makes her work and teachings so superior. 

The results have been remarkable on all levels, I leave a practice more balanced, renewed, uplifted and strong. I feel I have been physically and mentally transformed. I have found myself to be living with more mental and physical awareness, flexibility and balance which has helped especially when it comes to my passion for horses, both riding, working and interacting with them.  Although my journey has just begun I am very excited about the potential in my yoga and spiritual journey – for this I am eternally grateful to Sandy'. 

    Andriana Nielsen-Equine Sports Therapist-Student, Vet Nurse. Ceduna SA